Sunday, May 28, 2006

My latest read...

Is The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. It's actually a great book, though I'm only part way through it. I really enjoy her writing style, which is succinct, yet descriptive enough to bring you into the lives of the characters and really 'feel' what is going on. Once I'm finished, I'll review it more completely. (However, my track record lately isn't very good. The last book I read was The Kite Runner, which is a GREAT book. The only reason I think I managed to finish it is because I was on holidays...!)

Although I used to read mostly fantasy books when I was young, I have branched out to the point where I will read almost anything. The problem is that I read so much for work, the last thing I tend to associate with relaxing is reading...but I'm working on it.

What are you reading right now...?


At Monday, May 29, 2006 11:10:00 a.m., Blogger pinknest said...

i have this book, but have never read it. so thanks for reminding me! and i look forward to your review.


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