Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Biking and other nonsense...

In the last few months I have rekindled my love for biking. It's now becoming a bit of an addiction. It's the only part of the day that I feel truly alive - whipping down the paths by the river, dodging people and dogs. It wakes up my mind and my soul...which is great after a punishing day at the office.

On Sunday I reached a new feat - at least for myself - I biked about 45 km in about an hour and a half. When I went out tonight to do my 'usual' 15km weeknight ride, my legs were STILL tired. Yep. Definitely not 18 any more. The great thing is that I can do 15km in better time than I did when I was 18! Yes!

What I love the most about biking is that it gets me outside, in the fresh air, and it is something that gives me that absolutely exhilirating feeling of freedom - I am by myself, testing myself, and free of phones, blackberries, and all such other nonsense that fills my daily life. Which leads me to a rant...

What is going on with the world?!? I can see carrying a cell phone or something while you bike, run, rollerblade, etc. to use for emergencies. But are people so addicted to this technology that they have to use it whilst they exercise outside? Seriously, give me a break. I'm sure your friends can wait until you're done rollerblading for you to call them to go out for a burger or a beer or whatever it is people talk about. I cannot believe the number of people who bike, rollerblade, etc. and talk on thier phones! I've even seen people pull over to email on their blackberry! No wonder people are burned out and stressed out - many of us are so addicted to this technology that we cannot peel ourselves away from it even to rest our minds and work our bodies.

Argh. Anyone else out there with blackberry/phone peeves?



At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 6:47:00 a.m., Blogger pinknest said...

i hate it when people are on their cellphones on a treadmill or what not in a gym, and they think they can just stroll along chatting away. ugh! but oddly, what annoys me more is people smoking on the beach. i don't know why, but it ruins my feelings of paradise.


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